Health and Fitness

Hair Breakage Causes And Tips To Avoid It

Even if you are very cautious about your strands, hair breakage may still occur. Heat damage is among one of the most common reasons for hair to break, but there are other factors that can hurt your hair as well. Your diet and routine might also contribute to split ends or hair breakage near the top of your head. Normal hair loss is from 50 to 100 hairs each day. However, you may be suffering hair breakage instead of hair loss if you notice that the strands that are breaking out are shorter or your hair overall feels dryer and more brittle.

Damaged hair is brighter and often has ragged ends from breakage. It may also vary in length. In order to avoid hair breakage, it is essential to understand the particular causes of hair breakage.



What could cause hair to break? Numerous habits may exist at work. Each is described below:

1. Excessive hair washing

Even if you would like to clean your hair regularly, doing so can damage the hair. Regular shampooing might make hair drier and make breaking more likely. It’s best not to wash your hair daily, but rather every second or third day. Keep in mind that how often you wash your hair will depend on the type of hair you have. For instance, someone with thick hair might only need one or two washes less often than someone with thin hair.

2. A dry environment

In simple terms, if your hair gets too dry, it could break. Make sure you’re hydrating your hair from the roots to the ends because dry hair is prone to break easily. A Keratin shampoo will help you regain moisture if you’re breaking out. It will also lock the moisture in and stop future damage.

3. Rough hair brushing

Not only may hard brushing through your hair cause substantial harm, but it can also be quite uncomfortable if done while your hair is still wet. Instead, use a wide-tooth comb to gently comb through the hair. Wide-tooth combs’ teeth put less stress on the hair and allow more of your hair to pass through in every part.

This does not imply that you shouldn’t have a hairbrush out on your dressing table. Hairbrushes are okay as long as they are used delicately, intelligently, and without ripping into tangled hair. It’s concerning that the brush may cause hair breakage your hair apart if you currently have thin, thinning hair. You’ll probably have a lot of hair loss.

4. Using too much heat on your hair

Heat style can harm both the hair color and texture of your hair if you ignore the precautions. First off, you shouldn’t blow-dry your hair when it is moist because doing so increases the likelihood of damage. Let the hair air dry for a brief period rather than using a drier. Additionally, it’s a good idea to use heat protection before drying your hair with a product like heat protectant spray, hair serum, or cream. The moisturizing oils and vitamin E in this heat protection spray will protect your hair when you blow-dry hair or if you utilize a straightening or curling iron.

Always make sure that your hair is completely dry when using those heated tools. Using heated instruments on wet hair will almost certainly cause it to burn. The crackling sound you notice while you do that has a reason. The water in your hair creates steam when you use hot equipment on damp hair, which could burn the skin on your head.

5. Roughly towel-drying hair

Although it could appear like there wouldn’t be a problem with towel drying your hair, being overly rough may cause a lot of hair breaking. Towel drying raises the chance of breaking and can even make some hair fall out because moist hair is very brittle. Try not to towel dry your hair too quickly or wrap it in a towel after rinsing it. Alternatively, carefully air dry your hair without utilizing a towel.

6. Using a brush on wet hair

Your hair is most at risk of breaking when it is moist. Additionally, there are brushes designed specifically for detangling wet hair. Before you begin, make sure your hair is at least barely wet, if not completely dry. If brushing is required, start at the bottom and utilize a comb with wide teeth or a Wet Brush. Working your way up, gently untangle all of the knots.

7. Skipping scheduled hair appointments

Whatever the size of your hair, consistent trimming will remove any split dead ends while keeping it strong and healthy. When damaged ends are allowed to remain on your hair for a long time, they expand and lead to additional damage. Because split ends will continue to go up the strands and trigger more breaking, getting periodic haircuts to maintain the size of your hair will prevent future hair damage.

8. Putting on tight-fitting hairstyles

It’s easy to tie your hair back into a ponytail to keep it away from your face may be effective, but doing so might gravely harm your strands. When tied overly tightly, a few hair locks can break and rip out hairs. Instead of wearing your hair up in these incredibly tight styles, try doing it a little looser. If you need a tighter tie to keep your hair away from your face and neck, use a scrunchie instead of a hair tie. Scrunchies, which have lately been popular again, are developed to be a little softer on hair and cause less damage or hair breakage as a result.

9. Experiencing too much stress

Unfortunately, extreme stress can have an impact on your hair as well. According to research, excessive levels of stress prevent the creation of new hair and can result in thinning existing strands, leading to hair breakage and damage. Although it can be challenging, stress is a factor that may not have occurred to you in the cause of your hair loss.

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