Navigating Psychological Health: Understanding When to Consult a Psychologist
Going to talk about your suffering or discomfort with someone (psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist) is a decision that you develop little by little since it is neither something familiar nor natural.
Often people wait many months or even years and, when living with our problems has begun to significantly compromise different areas of our life and the comfort of close people (family, friends,…) is no longer able to alleviate the feeling of unwell, the possibility of contacting a Psychologist Copenhagen is considered.
The purpose of this article is not only to clarify for our readers the circumstances in which to turn to a psychologist but also to urge anyone who recognizes that they are experiencing a moment of blockage, discomfort, or suffering or discomfort to take care of their psychological health as much as he does with his physical health, overcoming mental barriers constituted by prejudices, social stereotypes, erroneous beliefs resulting in experiences of shame, embarrassment, hostility, and mistrust.
How to understand if you need a psychologist?
Having clarified prejudices and stereotypes, you must understand that going to the psychologist absolutely does not mean being “crazy”, “different”, “or crazy” but, on the contrary, taking care of one’s mental health, which goes hand in hand with one’s physical health and with general well-being and, therefore, being healthy people who, recognizing a discomfort which they are unable to cope with in a certain period of their lives, decide to turn to the competent specialist in the matter to activate a process of care and healing.
How can you, therefore, understand if you need a psychologist?
Below are listed some circumstances in which, generally, one turns to an English Speaking Psychologist:
- to find serenity and happiness,
- to encourage personal inner growth,
- for needs of understanding and/or orientation,
- to achieve greater and better awareness of oneself, of others, and of one’s own vital spheres ( family, sentimental, social, work, school),
- for a temporary crisis,
- to unravel emotional, social, family, relational, scholastic, and work-related dynamics and difficulties,
- to get out of stalemate and/or block situations,
- when symptoms (e.g. anxiety, depression, stress …) progressively increase in intensity and frequency, persisting for too long and negatively impacting one’s life,
- in case of bereavement and traumatic events,
- to free oneself from excess anxiety, stress, impulses, thoughts, fears, difficulties, negative ideas and feelings (sadness, fatalistic ideas about the future, irrational fears),
- when you notice changes in behavior (for example constant and unjustified mood swings, alterations in your conduct that generate problems or unjustified isolation),
- when a psychological problem tends to increase in intensity and frequency, becoming chronic and invading all the various vital spheres in a dysfunctional way,
- to restore balance and the right level of mood and self-esteem,
- to reshape and improve one’s character and personality,
- to gradually get out of abuse and addictions ( drugs, alcohol, tobacco, food, sex ).
How can a psychologist help?
- Supporting the person through internal discomfort until its attenuation and/or disappearance,
- By helping to understand, reactivate, and strengthen one’s energies and abilities, solutions, and internal motivations, thus allowing the overcoming of psychic blocks and obstacles,
- By creating a space different from the usual ones of everyday life, in which to confide and discuss, finding points of reference and answers,
- Providing the necessary information regarding the problem exposed and referring, if necessary, to another specialist.
How to explain to your family members the need to consult a psychologist?
In the end, another important theme that sometimes determines the decision to go to a Psychologist Copenhagen is the relationship with one’s family members and the possibility of being sincere and transparent with them in declaring one’s needs.
Often, unfortunately, people find themselves in family systems that hardly understand this need, probably conditioned by prejudices and stereotypes ( the psychologist is just a charlatan, but why do you have to go and tell a stranger your business, roll up your sleeves yourself/ a, you made it in the past why shouldn’t you make it now? … .). Other times you might find yourself immersed in these stereotypes and false beliefs and, therefore, you fear the judgment of others, denying yourselves the possibility of sharing this choice and, perhaps, finding understanding and reassurance.
If you yourselves are aware and convinced of the fact that the Psychologist is a tool that, in a certain period of your life, can help you find balance and achieve your well-being goals, you will certainly be more comfortable in communicating with your family members/acquaintance this decision of yours, aware of the fact that in the face of any disapproval, you know that you are “healthy people who take care of their emotional, psychological and relational health!”.
Opting to consult an English Speaking Psychologist is an empowered step toward holistic well-being. Embrace mental health, transcend barriers of stigma, and prioritize emotional wellness for a fulfilled life journey. Take charge of your psychological health to lead a balanced, thriving life.