Manna foods

Challenges and Opportunities in the Meat Wholesale Industry of the Bay Area

The meat wholesale Bay Area has its own unique challenges and opportunities. One of the most important is the ability of meat producers to create value-added products that differentiate them from the competition. In order to be able to do…

Western Veal Vs Traditional Veal – How They Differ and Why it Matters

Family owned and operated since 1989, Manna Foods is one of the top USDA certified meat and poultry suppliers in the Bay Area. Carrying products par excellence: certified natural, organic, grass fed and locally grown. More than ever people are embracing healthy living and menus are trending towards dishes prepared with locally grown organic proteins. We will work with you to make sure you receive a superb product, portioned to your needs.

Health and Fitness

Imported Vs Domestic – A Comparison of Veal Sources in Oakland

A natural, grain fed baby beef.Formula Fed Veal: A natural baby beef raised on a milk fed diet making it lighter in color then the western veal. It can also be referred to as white veal. Bobby Veal: A natural, grain fed, baby beef that is younger and smaller than the other two types of veal.