8 Best Karakuri To Build First In Wild Hearts
When exploring in Wild Hearts, you should look for these Karakuri first.
Wild Hearts is a game that stands out from others in its genre because it has a unique mechanic called Karakuri. A Karakuri is a type of wooden structure that gives you a lot of different benefits. There are three types of Karakuri: basic, fusion, and dragon, and each has its own set of benefits.
A Karakuri is a valuable tool that you can use to your advantage in the game because it can be used in many ways and has powerful effects. There are a lot of different types to unlock, but some are more useful than others and should be done first. Here are the ones you should be careful with.
Celestial Tsukumo Shrine

In Wild Hearts, the Celestial Tsukumo Shrine is a valuable dragon Karakuri because it gives you an excellent utility that can help you a lot during the game. Even though it doesn’t help you directly in battle, putting the Shrine in your camp can change the way you play. You need 30 wood resources to build the Celestial Tsukumo Shrine. Once they are built, you can put more than one shrine in the same place to get more benefits from them.
When activated, you can interact with the shrine to raise the maximum number of threads and get more threads before the effect goes away. Having more thread is a huge boost to your skills, especially since Karakuri is needed in every battle. With more thread, you can make more Karakuri, which can give you more benefits and make it easier to deal with hard challenges.
Field Forge

The Field Forge is another valuable dragon Karakuri. It works in a very different way, but when used well, it can still give you a big advantage. The Field Forge, as its name suggests, can be put in your camp. It lets you make weapons and armor while you are away from your camp. This means you don’t have to go back to town to make new gear, which can save you a lot of time when you’re out hunting.
The Field Forge also lets you change your gear in the middle of a hunt. This makes it easier for you to adapt to different situations and challenges. For a Field Forge to be built, you need 15 water resources. But it’s important to note that it’s better to destroy the Forge after using it. This way, you can rebuild it later if you need to without having to keep spending the resources.
The Roller

The Roller is a unique and fun way to explore the world of the game. It is a Karakuri dragon that stands out. The Roller is different from most Karakuri because it turns into a single-wheeled vehicle that you can ride around in. It looks different from everything else in the game, which makes it stand out. The Roller is also one of the easiest ways to get around because it is easy to use and has a smooth ride.
The only problem is that building one takes a big investment of 40 fire resources, which may be scary to some. But for those who can afford it, the Roller is a great investment because it gives them a sense of speed and movement that nothing else can. Once the Dragon Roller is built, it can be improved to make it go faster, making it even more exciting to ride. So, if you want a unique and exciting way to explore the world of Wild Hearts, the Roller is a great option to think about.
Hunting Tower

In the game, you have to find a kemono before you can fight it. Luckily, the hunting tower Karakuri has a tool that can help with this. You can build a hunting tower for 15 water resources. When you interact with it, it sends out a radar pulse that shows where kemono are.
As you play the game, you can improve the tower so that it can also find tsukumo and some collectibles. By making a network of these towers, you can scan the whole map at once, making it easier to find kemono and other important resources. But it can take time to build a large network, so it’s best to start building hunting towers as soon as possible.
Glider Karakuri

If you like to explore and want to go to new heights, you should bring the Karakuri glider with you. With this basic Karakuri, you can make a hand-glider that lets you glide gracefully down from high places, like a paraglider in some open-world games.
Even though the glider seems like a simple Karakuri, it is an important part of making more powerful fusion Karakuri like the healing mist and repeater crossbow. It’s not too hard to get the glider because it’s available early in the game, right after you beat Spineglider.
Stake Karakuri

The stake is a basic Karakuri that can be used in a lot of different ways. When put down, it can be launched forward, giving a helpful boost to help climb up walls. Even though it isn’t very useful on its own, the Karakuri harpoon and chain trap is impossible to make without the stake.
Even though you can get the stake early in the game, it is locked until you invest in the Karakuri upgrade tree. Still, it’s a good investment because the harpoon and chain trap Karakuri are important tools for killing tough kemono in the future.
Chain Trap Karakuri

By stopping Kemono from moving, the chain trap gives you a chance to do damage without being blocked. This karakuri is an important tool, especially for new players who need more time to figure out how to beat enemies they haven’t seen before.
When you fight Deathstalker, you can get the chain trap if you have the stake and crate karakuri equipped. It’s important to find as soon as possible to help with defense.
Celestial Anchor Karakuri

The celestial anchor is one of the hardest basic Karakuri to get in Basket Random game, so it might take a while to get it. It’s deep in the Karakuri upgrade tree, but it’s well worth the trouble to get there. It lets you attach yourself to an anchor and jump more than once, which can help you get around the map quickly.
But the fusion Karakuri is where its real power lies. Some of the most powerful fusion options are the celestial shield and the celestial cannon Karakuri, but to use them, you must first unlock the celestial anchor. So, you should try to get it as soon as possible so you can use these powerful tools as soon as possible.