8 Most Beautiful Locations In The Pokémon World
In the Pokemon world, there are a lot of interesting places, but these are the most beautiful ones.
Since it started, the Pokemon series has been home to a number of places that fans really like. From Lavender Town’s creepy vibe to Jubilife City’s happy vibe, these places are sure to stick out in players’ minds for a variety of reasons.
But of all the places in the Pokemon series, only a few really stand out because of how they look. With nine generations of places to choose from, it’s hard to say which ones are the most beautiful, but these do the job.
Lumiose City (Pokemon X and Y)

Lumiose City is the most populous and largest city in the Kalos region. It is right in the middle of the region. With its many plazas, avenues, and buildings, the city has a clear Parisian theme. It also has a mix of nature and civilization, which is clear as day.
Lumiose City is a big city in the Kalos region, so it makes sense that Clemont, the leader of the Electric Gym, lives there, along with a few other places where people learn how to fight. Aside from battles, the player can visit many shops, such as an expanded boutique, several unique cafés, and hair salons for both the player and the Pokemon Furfrou, which is often forgotten.
Ecruteak Dance Theater (Pokemon Heartgold and SoulSilver)

Ecruteak City is known for its old-fashioned and historic look, which makes sense for its dance theater. But compared to the rest of the city, the Ecruteak Dance Theatre is much livelier and brighter. The colors even remind me of the Kimono Girls’ clothes.
The first time the player goes to the theater, they have to save a Kimono Girl from a Team Rocket Grunt. Later in the game, all five Kimono Girls challenge the player to pass on the bell that is only available in this version.
Malie Garden (Pokemon Sun and Moon)

Malie Garden is quiet and peaceful compared to Malie City, which is full of people and noise. Malie Garden gives players a great first impression of Ula’ula Island. It has a golden bridge and tower, a lot of beautiful plants filled with Alolan Pokemon, and a beautiful view from anywhere in the garden.
People say that the garden is based on the Johto area because it has a tower that looks like the Bell Tower in Ecruteak City. Team Skull and their leader Guzma make it hard for Trainers to relax in the garden, even though it is a popular place for tourists to meet.
Floaroma Town (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl)

Between Jubilife City and Eterna City is a town called Floaroma Town. Because there are so many flowers there, it’s easy to say that it’s the most beautiful town in Sinnoh. Here, the player can get their first Honey, which they can spread on special trees to attract wild Pokemon.
People in the game say that the town is so popular because it smells like honey and flowers. Floaroma Town is a very peaceful place because of this, but Team Galactic moves into the nearby Valley Windworks and Floaroma Meadow, which upsets the peace.
Nimbasa City (Pokemon Black and White)

There was no doubt that Nimbasa City would make this list. It has an amusement park and lights that seem to go on forever. This place seems to be based on New York City’s Coney Island. After beating Elesa, the local Gym Leader, you can earn the Bolt Badge here.
Like Lumiose City, Happy Wheels has a number of minigames and places to fight, like the Battle Subway and the Ferris Wheel. No matter what the player decides to do, though, the bright lights and busy atmosphere of Nimbasa City will be more than enough to keep them there.
Seafoam Islands (Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee!)

Even though there are a lot of puzzles and obstacles on the Seafoam Islands, they are still a beautiful place to visit. The caverns inside the island are full of strong ice pillars and fast-moving currents that make the island hard to get around but beautiful to look at.
As a reward for solving all the puzzles on the island, the player might be able to catch the majestic Articuno, who challenges the player with sparkling ice shards and a strong snowstorm. But even this adds to the beauty of the Seafoam Islands, which was already there.
Ballonlea (Pokemon Sword and Shield)

If you had to use one word to describe the town of Ballonlea, it would be “luminous.” With its old English buildings and glowing mushrooms, Ballonlea looks like it was taken right out of a fairy tale book or a landscape painting.
The Ballonlea Stadium, whose Gym Leader specializes in Fairy-type Pokémon, would add to the town’s fairy tale look. The only bad thing about this town is that you can only get there by going through the dark and confusing Glimwood Tangle.
Mesagoza (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet)

Mesagoza is the center of the whole Paldea region and a must-see for any Trainer just starting out. As the biggest city in the area, Mesagoza is also home to a number of important landmarks. The Naranja or Uva Academy is the most important of these.
But what really sets Mesagoza apart is its impressive and beautiful architecture. The city is full of colorful plants and buildings, and many of the buildings look a lot like buildings in Madrid and Barcelona, which adds to the Spanish theme of the Paldea region.