
Evaluating mobile app funding opportunities: Guide

The mobile app industry has experienced explosive growth over the last decade. According to Statista, there were 2.2 million mobile apps available for download on the Apple App Store as of the first quarter of 2021. The number of mobile app downloads worldwide in 2020 was 218 billion, and it is projected to grow to 258 billion by 2022. This rapid growth has led to a surge in funding opportunities for mobile app developers, but evaluating those opportunities can be challenging. In this article, we will provide a guide for evaluating mobile app funding opportunities.


1. Identify your funding needs


Before you begin evaluating funding opportunities, you need to have a clear understanding of your funding needs. Start by identifying how much money you need to develop your mobile app and take it to market. Consider the costs of hiring developers, designers, marketers, and other professionals. You also need to factor in the cost of equipment, software, and office space, as well as any legal fees associated with setting up your business.


Once you have a clear understanding of your funding needs, you can start looking for funding opportunities that align with those needs.


2. Research potential funding sources


There are several sources of funding available for mobile app development, including:


– Angel investors: These are typically wealthy individuals who invest their own money in startups. Angel investors are often willing to take on more risk than traditional investors and may offer more flexible terms.

– Venture capitalists: These are professional investors who provide funding to startups in exchange for an ownership stake. Venture capitalists typically invest in startups that have the potential for high growth.

– Crowdfunding: This involves raising money from a large number of people via an online platform. Crowdfunding can be a good option for startups that have a strong social media presence and can generate buzz around their product.

– Accelerators and incubators: These are programs that provide funding, mentorship, and resources to startups in exchange for an equity stake. Accelerators and incubators can be a good option for startups that are in the early stages of development.


Once you have identified potential funding sources, research them in more detail. Look for information about their investment criteria, the types of startups they have funded in the past, and the terms of their investments. You can also look for reviews from other startups that have worked with these funding sources.


3. Evaluate the terms of the investment


When evaluating funding opportunities, it is important to pay close attention to the terms of the investment. Some key factors to consider include:


– Equity stake: Will the investor take an ownership stake in your company, and if so, how much? Keep in mind that the more equity you give up, the less control you will have over your company.

– Valuation: What is the value of your company, and how much money are you raising? The valuation of your company can impact the amount of equity you need to give up to secure funding.

– Investment structure: Will the investment be structured as equity, debt, or something else? Each type of investment structure has its own pros and cons, so it is important to understand the implications of each.

– Use of funds: How will the funds be used, and will the investor have any say in how they are spent? Make sure the terms of the investment align with your funding needs.


4. Consider the investor’s track record


Another important factor to consider when evaluating funding opportunities is the investor’s track record. Look for information about the investor’s past investments, particularly in the mobile app industry. Have they invested in successful mobile app startups in the past? Are they knowledgeable about the industry and its trends? Do they have connections that can help you grow your business?


It is also a good idea to speak with other startups that have worked with the investor in the past. Ask about their experience working with the investor, the level of support they received, and any challenges they faced.


5. Assess the level of support the investor will provide


Beyond just providing funding, investors can also provide valuable support and resources to help your mobile app succeed. When evaluating funding opportunities, consider the level of support the investor is offering. Some factors to consider include:


– Mentorship: Will the investor provide mentorship and guidance to help you navigate the challenges of mobile app development? This can be especially valuable if you are a first-time founder.

– Connections: Does the investor have connections in the mobile app industry that can help you grow your business? This can include connections to potential customers, partners, or investors.

– Resources: Will the investor provide any resources to help you develop your mobile app? This could include access to software, equipment, or office space.


6. Evaluate the investor’s goals and motivations


When evaluating funding opportunities, it is important to consider the investor’s goals and motivations. Investors typically have specific goals for their investments, such as achieving a certain return on investment or investing in startups that align with their personal values. Make sure the investor’s goals align with your own goals for your mobile app.


It is also important to consider the investor’s motivations. Are they simply looking to make a quick profit, or do they have a long-term vision for your mobile app? Do they have a genuine interest in your product, or are they just looking for the next big thing? Understanding the investor’s motivations can help you determine whether they are the right fit for your mobile app.


7. Seek advice from experts


Finally, don’t be afraid to seek advice from experts when evaluating funding opportunities. This could include mentors, advisors, or other founders in the mobile app industry. These individuals can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the complex landscape of mobile app funding.




Evaluating mobile app funding opportunities can be a challenging process, but it is a critical step in securing the resources you need to develop and grow your mobile app. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can identify funding sources that align with your needs, evaluate the terms of the investment, assess the level of support the investor will provide, and ensure that the investor’s goals and motivations align with your own. With careful evaluation, you can find the right funding partner to help you turn your mobile app vision into a reality.


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