
How do I find my computer bottleneck?

What is a bottleneck?

A bottleneck in a computer system is any component that is limiting the overall performance of the system. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a slow CPU, a weak GPU, or limited RAM.

There are a number of different bottleneck calculators available online. These calculators work by comparing the specifications of your computer’s components to see which one is most likely to be limiting performance.

To use a bottleneck calculator, you will need to know the specifications of your computer’s CPU, GPU, RAM, and storage. You can find this information by using a system information tool such as CPU-Z or HWMonitor.

Once you have this information, you can enter it into the bottleneck calculator. The calculator will then generate a report that tells you which component is most likely to be bottlenecking your system.

Interpreting the results of a bottleneck calculator

The results of a bottleneck calculator can be interpreted as follows:

0% bottleneck: This means that there is no bottleneck in your system, and all of the components are working together efficiently.

1-20% bottleneck: This means that there is a slight bottleneck in your system, but it is not significant. You may experience some performance issues in certain applications, but overall your system will run smoothly.

21-40% bottleneck: This means that there is a moderate bottleneck in your system. You will likely experience performance issues in most applications, especially demanding ones.

41-60% bottleneck: This means that there is a severe bottleneck in your system. You will experience significant performance issues in all applications.

61-100% bottleneck: This means that there is a very severe bottleneck in your system. Your system will likely be unusable.

What to do if you have a bottleneck

If the bottleneck calculator tells you that you have a bottleneck, there are a few things you can do:

  • Upgrade the bottlenecking component: This is the most obvious solution, but it can also be the most expensive.
  • Overclock the bottlenecking component: This can be a cheaper way to improve performance, but it can also be more risky.
  • Reduce the settings in your applications: This will lower the overall performance of your system, but it can also reduce the bottleneck.
  • Change your workflow: If possible, try to avoid using the applications that are bottlenecking your system.


Let’s say you are using a bottleneck calculator to test your computer’s performance for gaming. The calculator tells you that you have a 20% bottleneck, with your CPU being the bottlenecking component.

This means that your CPU is limiting the performance of your GPU, and you are not getting the full potential out of your graphics card.

There are a few things you can do to fix this:

  • Upgrade your CPU to a more powerful one.
  • Overclock your CPU to increase its speed.
  • Reduce the graphics settings in your games.
  • Avoid playing games that are very demanding on the CPU.

Which bottleneck calculator should I use?

There are a number of different bottleneck calculators available online. Some of the most popular ones include:

  • PC Builds Bottleneck Calculator
  • CPU Agent Bottleneck Calculator
  • io
  • UserBenchmark

All of these calculators are relatively easy to use and provide accurate results. However, it is important to note that no bottleneck calculator is perfect, and the results should be interpreted with a grain of salt.


Bottleneck calculators can be a useful tool for identifying which component is limiting your computer’s performance. Once you know which component is the bottleneck, you can take steps to fix it, such as upgrading the component or overclocking it.

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